Tuesday, February 23, 2010


This map involved georeferencing a jpeg image with a shapefile in arcMap. The Northern map is 1st degree polynomial with a RMS error of 7.35389. The Southern map is 3rd degree polynomial with a RMS error of 5.04779.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Data Search Lab

I had a very difficult time completing this lab. The problems I had completing this first map was finding shapefiles in the right format that were not too large. Some files had so much detail that it would block any other layer displayed on the map. The map on the left shows hydrology, roads, railroads, and cities. The map on the right displays public land, invasive plants, and habitat conservation areas. I grouped related layers in two separate maps to reduce clutter.

I had more troubles with this map than the previous one. The DEM file coverter that I downloaded would not recoginized my file. I downloading a couple different converters to find one that worked, but none did. Eventually I found a way to unzip the files with out using a program. I also had trouble figuring out how to display the DEM file in arcmap. It first appeared as a large empty block, in order to display the data I had to go into symbology click custom and connect the data with the image.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Map of Haiti

This is a map of Port-au-Prince which is located in the south east corner of the Golf of Gonave in Haiti. I found it on a personal web site. Each red dot represents a crowd. The purpose of the map is to show the location and density of crowds in the Port-au-Prince. This could be useful information to people allocating supplies, assigning volunteers in addition to officers of peace. Some things that would make the map clearer would be a legend a scale and a north arrow.

Week Four

Monday, February 1, 2010