Saturday, July 24, 2010

Week 10

This map shows lines of sight from the entrance of the NORAD building. It includes a graph that shows the extent of the line of sight, obstructed views are in red.
This map shows the buffers around the NORAD building and the heliport station.
I was a little unclear about the instructions but followed them to the best of my ability. I had the most trouble making the base layers project in the right way.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Week 8

This map shows the schools that are surrounded by the highest density of crime. There is a law that states anyone caught selling drugs within a thousand feet from a school gets an extra harsh penalty. This law is not effective because only four out of the one hundred and thirty schools did not have any crime activity within a thousand feet buffer. The schools with the most crime activity are centrally located. With increased funding and after school programs and more police on patrol in the area with dense crime activity I think we can lower the numbers.

This lab was very time consuming but straight forward and fun to do.